、名優創品牌 誠信、佳惠贏賓客 云南--彩云之南,這是中國西部一塊絢麗的瑰寶。這里風光旖旎,物產豐富,尤以“植物王國”世界。在這片神奇的紅土地上有一處遐邇的綠色企業--云南豐澤源植物園。植物園居滇池盤龍江發源之地。這里山環水繞,龍宮佛寺嵯峨,關山古木參天, 競展良田沃野。多年來植物園據天時地利,致力于培育云南、名優鄉土花木,并引進、馴化、繁殖進國內外的名優花木。以園林園藝花木博覽、生態觀光、種植種苗保護、科技科普教育、花卉苗木銷售、園林庭院景觀創作營造為經營業務。集生產經營、環境保護和教育科普為一體。已建成珙桐、山茶、牡丹、芍藥、木蘭、櫻花、梅花、杜鵑、桂花、月季、杉木、香樟、楓樹、棕櫚、 竹類等十余個專類園區及百花、樹木、果樹、水生植物、特種養殖等五個綜合園區。植物園稟天地之靈氣、融人文之精華,育蔥蘢之錦繡,始成桃源仙境。 云南豐澤源植物園地處昆明嵩明白邑,交通便利。長期優價銷售各種名貴園林綠化花木,承接園林綠化工程施工。這里花木量 大質優,品種多規格,服務優良。誠迎廣大客戶前來訂購,并可互通有無。 The Yunnan Fengzeyuan Arboretum is located in Baiyi Village, Songming County, Kunming city, to which there is terrific transportation service. There is a long-term sales promotion for each kind of rare and valuable flower and tree planted in the gardens, which have undergone the construction of a large planting project. We have a large number and a large variety of high quality flowers and trees, which are complete in a wide range of specifications. We sincerely welcome all customers to come and make a purchase, so that we can respectfully meet each others needs.