漢晨龍電子有限公司昇龍集團于2004年9月成立,是由中國大的石英藝術鐘表生產商-廣州明珠星集團投資組建。集團主要產品為石英手表機芯,在湖北、貴州等地建有幾個大型生產基地。集團生產基數力量雄厚,管理規范,產品質量可靠。集團員工超過6000人,月產石英手表機芯5000萬只。自投產以來,產品國內及東南亞市場,世界100多個國家和地區。 集團經營理念:誠信、和諧、積累、 集團發展目標:打造,成為世界生產手表機芯集團。 Established in Septemer 2004 and invested one of the biggest quartz artistic watch producers-Guangzhou Pearl Group,Sunon Group mainly prosuces quartz watch movement,with several large production bases in Hubei and Guizhou provinces.The Group has strong millinon pieces of quartz,standardized ,management,and guarnteed quality.With ouve 6,000 staff,the Group produces per month 50 million pieces of quartz watch movements.Since starting production,we sell our products domestically,to the southeastem Asia,and even far to more than 100 coutries and areas in the world. Management Concept : Cedibility,Harmony,Accumulation,Surpassing. Group Target: Build a world tamous brand,and the biggest watch movement producer.