廣州市鼎新眼鏡廠,地址處于廣州市花都區,廠區面積5000平方,主要生產各式騎行眼鏡,運動眼鏡,摩托車眼鏡、摩托車風鏡,滑雪眼鏡、運動偏光鏡、藍球眼鏡等等......及各類眼鏡及眼罩。經過多年的發展公司已擁有自己的研發及銷售團隊,并樹立公司自主品牌:“自由蜂”運動眼鏡;現產品已布遍了全國20多個大中小城市,擁有了500多家長期穩定的合作伙伴。我司是集設計研發,模具制作、射出、拋光、噴漆、裁片、組裝為一體的眼鏡生產廠家。公司本著以客戶三個滿意為基本原則:“產品質量的滿意, 技術的滿意,售后服務的滿意 ”不斷加強企業內部的綜合競爭力,公司在競爭中求發展,在挑戰中謀機遇,相信我公司會給您提供好、的產品,相信我公司會為您提供的技術和完善的售后服務。勤勞和真誠的我們愿與您攜手并進、共創輝煌!Innovate glasses factory in guangzhou, the address is in guangzhou huadu district, the factory covers an area of 5000 square, mainly producing all kinds of cycling glasses, sports glasses, motorcycle glasses, motorcycle goggles, ski glasses, sports polarizer, basketball glasses, etc...And all kinds of glasses and goggles.After years of development the company has own research and development and sales team, and set up the company own brand: "free bee" sports glasses;Has cloth products all over the country more than 20 medium cities, has more than 500 long-term stable cooperation partner.Research and development of our company is the collection design, mould manufacture, injection, polishing, painting, cutting piece, assembly into a professional glasses manufacturer.Company to customer satisfaction with three basic principles: "satisfied with the satisfaction of product quality, advanced technology, after-sales service satisfaction" continuously strengthen the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprise, the company strives for the development in the competition, seeks the opportunity in the challenge, I believe that the company will provide you with the best and the most advanced products, I believe that the company will provide you with the most advanced technology and perfect after-sales service.Hardworking and sincere we would like to work with you hand in hand, create brilliance!
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 廣州鼎新眼鏡有限公司 |
企業法人 | 郭海龍 |
所在地 | 廣東廣州 |
企業類型 | 個體經營 |
成立時間 | 2015年01月15日 |
注冊資金 | 人民幣50萬 |
主營行業 | 騎行眼鏡 |
主營產品 | 騎行眼鏡,籃球眼鏡,防風鏡,滑雪鏡,運動眼鏡 |
主營地區 | 廣州市花都區獅嶺鎮瑞邊村群安經濟社1第1-3層(可作廠房使用) |
經營模式 | 生產+貿易型 |
經營范圍 | 眼鏡制造;眼鏡批發;眼鏡零售;(依法須經批準的項目,經相關部門批準后方可開展經營活動)〓 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 510800 |
公司電話 | 020-86980575 |
- 郭海龍
- 廣東
- 騎行眼鏡
- 騎行眼鏡,籃球眼鏡,防風鏡,滑雪鏡,運動眼鏡
- 廣州市花都區獅嶺鎮瑞邊村群安經濟社1第1-3層(可作廠房使用)
- 郭海龍
- 15216143902
- 廣州鼎新眼鏡有限公司
- 510800
- 廣州市花都區獅嶺鎮瑞邊村群安經濟社1第1-3層(可作廠房使用)