公司簡介本公司于1992年成立,是生產印刷行業使用的水溶性白膠漿、啫喱膠、熱熔膠等產品的綜合性企業。在包裝及印刷行業中,被廣泛應用于:書本裝訂、手挽袋、彩盒、禮品盒、天地盒、信封等方面。合裕公司擁有一批高素質的管理人員和技術人員,遵循“技術是生產力”的原則,務實、求真、鉆研、探索、開拓、創新,致力于開發研究新產品,并為客戶長期提供產品技術咨詢和售后服務。公司于2000年通過ISO9001:2008質量體系認證,確保為客戶提供環保、安全之綠色產品,公司制定了環境管理體系CR12000:2006,產品經國際認可的SGS、ITS、CTI等檢測機構科學鑒定:不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽、不含毒質及危害臭氧層物質,產品符合環保標準(RoHS、EN71-Part3、ASTM-F963、94/62/EC、REACH SVHC、Hasbro SRS-012等)。我們將繼續完善公司品質管理體系、不斷提升產品質量、不斷提高客戶滿意度,實現互利共贏,將是我們始終追求的目標。公司宗旨:以科學管理為核心,以市場需求為準繩,以客戶為中心,誠信為本,與客戶共創輝煌明天。Fortunechem Limited (Co-rich Adh Limited), founded in 1992, is an integrated producer of Water Base Emulsion Adhesives, Gel Glue and Hot Melt Adhesives, focused on satisfying its customers in Printing & Packaging Industries. Our products are widely used in making Paper bag, Printed box, Gift box, Stationery and Bookbinding.We have a team of professionals working on company management and production technology, believed in the principle of “Technology led the Productivity ahead”; and we have been putting great efforts on research & development, providing technical advices and after sales services to our customers with quality commitment. Company was certified by the ISO9001:2008. We executed environment management system CR12000:2006, providing the high quality and safe products to our customers. Our products have been appraised by SGS, ITS and CTI on Phthalates content, Hazardous chemicals & Ozone Depleting Substances, and conform to RoHS、EN71-Part3、ASTM-F963、94/62/EC、REACH SVHC、Hasbro SRS-012 etc. We will continually to improve the performance both on quality assurance & management system, to increase customers’ satisfaction and achieve win-win situation.The principles of company:Management run scientifically; Direction of development orientated by market demanding; Reputation built with your satisfaction and trust; Success achieved together with customers.
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 東莞市合裕粘貼制品有限公司 |
企業法人 | 嚴慧梅 |
所在地 | 廣東東莞 |
企業類型 | 有限責任公司 |
成立時間 | 1999-08-26 |
注冊資金 | 300 萬元萬人民幣 |
主營行業 | 錫條 |
主營產品 | 錫條,錫線,錫膏,無鉛焊錫,焊錫絲 |
主營地區 | 東莞市黃江鎮大冚村工業區 |
經營模式 | 或其他機構 |
經營范圍 | 產銷:膠粘劑、水溶性潤版液、水溶性洗機水不含危險化學品。 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 523000 |
公司電話 | 13500095059 |
- 嚴慧梅
- 廣東
- 錫條
- 錫條,錫線,錫膏,無鉛焊錫,焊錫絲
- 東莞市黃江鎮大冚村工業區
- 嚴慧梅
- 0769-2232140
- 東莞市合裕粘貼制品有限公司
- 523000
- 東莞市黃江鎮大冚村工業區