??a集團創建于1984年,是從事水產品加工、銷售的出口型國際企業,地處中國東海與南海交匯處東山島。福建東山島是海峽西岸重要的水產資源集散地,也是新一輪海西建設的戰略要地。立足當地海產資源,多年來,海魁以科技為依托,市場為向導,致力于海洋“菜籃子”工程,滿足需求,并在同行業中率先開拓國際市場,產品包括魚、蝦、蟹、貝、魷、藻、罐頭和料理食品等八大類共100個多品種,主要市場覆蓋美國、加拿大、歐洲、南美洲、非洲、澳大利亞、東南亞等三十多個國家和地區。二十多年的努力拼搏,見證了??髽I的不斷成長,基于產、供、銷一體化經營理念,公司在著力硬件設施建設同時,也不余遺力加強食品安全,國際認證等軟實力建設,從輸美水產品HACCP認證、ISO9001認證、國際水產品歐盟注冊到BRC、ISF、HALAL多項認證,不斷拓寬產品準入渠道,滿足多元化國際需要,不斷提升外銷產品的國際影響。實至名歸,2009年“海魁牌”榮獲中國商標,同年,公司為匯聚科技人才,促進產品研發,組建成立了福建省水產企業創辦的研究機構-“??a研究所”,為打造全面質量管理團隊提供強有力的知識后援和組織基礎。為加快公司運營步伐,拓展國際融資渠道,提高企業競爭力,實現“與世界接軌,做世界水產”的長遠規劃,經多方努力,???012年5月15日在德國法蘭克福證劵交易所主板成功上市。秉承“和諧、進步、發展”的企業文化,??哒\歡迎各界人士的熱心垂注,共謀成長,共創雙贏!Company profile Haikui is anestablished international seafood company. We operate a streamlined supply chain including own processing plants in China, an in-house product R&D department as well as warehousing facilities, while at the same time closely co-operating with raw seafood suppliers upstream. Haikui generates more than two-thirds of its sales outside of China. We deliver white label products to customers abroad and serve the Chinese domestic market mainly under our own brand Haikui. The company was founded in 1993 under the name Fujian Dongshan Haikui Aquatic Products Group Co., Ltd. Haikui sells seafood that has undergone primary processing, such as cleaning, cutting and peeling, as well as seafood that has undergone further processing, such as cooking, grilling, seasoning, drying and/ or coating. Our product portfolio consists of more than 100 different products of frozen and canned seafood. These products are made from a broad range of fresh seafood, including prawn and crab as well as from various types of fish, shellfish and cephalopods.Haikui has more than 80 suppliers of raw seafood, including both aquaculture farms and operators of fishing vessels. With more than 60 of these Haikui has entered into supply framework agreements. These framework agreements provide us with a strong sourcing base, giving us priority ri
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 福建省東山縣??a集團有限公司 |
企業法人 | 陳振魁 |
所在地 | 福建漳州 |
企業類型 | 私營資企業 |
成立時間 | 1993-10-07 |
注冊資金 | 11388萬人民幣 |
主營行業 | 壽寧紅 |
主營產品 | 壽寧紅 |
主營地區 | 東山經濟技術開發區 |
經營模式 | 生產型 |
年營出口額 | 福建華南重工機械制造有限公司 成立時間:2010-03-17 |
經營范圍 | 水產加工品(干制水產品)(分裝)、水產加工品(鹽漬水產品)、罐頭(畜禽水產罐頭)、速凍食品【速凍其他食品(速凍肉制品)】以及水產品加工(于挑選、分級、去皮、脫殼、冷凍、包裝)。() |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 363000 |
公司電話 | 0596-5868888 |
- 陳振魁
- 福建
- 壽寧紅
- 壽寧紅
- 東山經濟技術開發區
- 陳振魁
- 15880569081
- 福建省東山縣??a集團有限公司
- 363000
- 東山經濟技術開發區