青島金大洋乳業有限公司是有近30年乳品生產經驗,集科研、生產、進出口為一體的綜合性公司。公司位于黃海之濱、膠州灣畔,自然環境優美,陸海空交通便利,政策優惠,地緣優勢明顯,綜合競爭力強。近幾年來公司經營規模不斷擴大,與國內外乳品企業如蒙牛、伊利、美國DFA、歐洲乳清、澳大利亞MG、法國BBA、LF 及LACTALIS、美國DAIRY AMERICA和新西蘭乳品局等公司都有良好的合作關系。產品出口亞洲、歐洲、美洲、非洲等40多個國家和地區,主要國家有俄羅斯、韓國、臺灣、日本、菲律賓、印尼、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、緬甸、孟加拉、巴基斯坦、哈薩克斯坦、烏茲別克斯坦、伊朗、伊拉克、科威特、沙特、迪拜、南非、敘利亞、毛里求斯、毛里塔尼亞、蘇丹、委內瑞拉、海地等國家和地區,并在馬來西亞,新加坡和迪拜成立了分公司,業務量居同行業。隨著生產能力不斷擴大,產品質量不斷提高,公司建立了新疆、內蒙、西安、黑龍江等生產基地,并獲得QS認證、清真食品認證以及HACCP認證,并獲得國家食品出口認證。金大洋公司被美國出口協會授予“全球佳供應商”稱號。金大洋乳業------中國乳品出口品牌。QINGDAO DAIRYGOLD INDUSTRY CO.,LTD is a comprehensive company with the diverse business interest in scientific search, manufacturing, import/export and a 30-year history of professional dairy producing of the dairy products. It is located near the beachside of the Yellow Sea and the Jiaozhou Gulf which is a place of the strong competition with easy traffic of the air, land, and sea transportation and favorable governmental policy. In recent years, the scale of the company is greatly enlarged and has developed good corporative relationships with other well-known enterprises of the world, such as Mengniu, Yili, Wandashan, American DFA, European First Whey, Australian MG, France BBA,LF and Lactalis, Dairy America,Newzealand dairy Bureau,etc. Our products have been exported to more than 40 countries and regions of the Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa. The main exporting countries are Russia, Korea, Taiwan, Japanese,Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Bangladesh, Pakistan,Kazakhstan,Uzbekistan,Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Dubai,South Africa, Syria, Mauritius, Mauritania, Sudan, Venezuela, Haiti, etc. We have been setting up branches in Malaysia, Singapore and Dubai. And our export quantity ranks the first in the same industry.